Increase Enrollment

  • What could it look like and feel like to have another 50-100 children next fall?  
  • What are the obstacles getting in your way of accomplishing this?
  • What might you or other families miss out on if you don’t do this?

Accelerate Your Growth!

Learn How To...


  • Find your opportunity and niche
  • Generate a referral engine
  • Develop strategic communication channels
  • Learn how to market strategically for schools (it's not brocures, flyers or postcards)
  • Transition your website from information based to inspiration based
  • Engage parents and Church members in outreach




Let's Connect

Got Families at your school, but they don't come to your church?

Turn it around!


  • Learn where you have disconnects
  • Bridge the sacred/secular divide, so that what happens in our faith communities has profound connection with people's daily lives
  • Show up differently as the church
  • Engage effectively with families
  • Bring transformation into their lives
  • Multiply your Church




Learn More

Struggling to get it "all done"?

Are you...

Overworked and tierd?

No stragegy to implement your vision?

Things just aren't moving forward?

Everyone is not on the same page?


We can help!

Align everyone around the vision, get everyone on the "same page", working towards the same goals so you can thrive! 


Preschools are special

Did you know that the Barna research shows that parents of children age 4 are more open to Christianity than any other time of their life? If you have a preschool, this is your 1040 window!


If you have a preschool, this is your 1040 window!


Preschools have a tripple ROI (Return on Investment), ask me about it! 

Let's connect