The Best Investment You Will Ever Make...

What is at Risk? 

4000 churches in America are closing every year. The consequences of a “wrong fit” in calling a pastor can be painful- conflict, loss of members, frayed relationships, stalled spiritual growth, pastoral turnover, loss of momentum, and the list goes on. Want to be intentional about finding a “right fit”? Consider this…

The Assessment Reflects on:

  • Culture, “How we do things around here” and,
  • Transformation, “How people are experiencing God and becoming more like Jesus”.

Why? Because you don’t know what you don’t know.

Our Assessment process includes a detailed examination of:

  • Leadership,
  • Administration
  • Finance/Stewardship
  • Governance
  • Culture and
  • Faith Development


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Why an "In-Person" or "Zoom" Assessment?

Why not an online survey?

The Organization Assessment covers what you could NOT discern through an online survey assessment.

Here are just a few:

  • Strength of Leadership
  • Risk-taking
  • Norms
  • Boundaries and Accountability
  • Power sharing and structures
  • Conflict utilization
  • Unwritten rules and practices
  • Interpersonal dynamics and climate
  • Management practices
  • Evaluation metrics
  • Opportunities
  • Threats
  • Missional Living
  • Disciple Making

Why doess this matter?

  • Helps determine "right-fit" when used appropriately as a reference point with a canidate.
  • Provides opportunity for the congregation to attend to areas needing attention to be at their best. Only healthy organizations grow.


How Does it Work?

What is the process?

  • We utilize 5 Essential OD techniques to evaluate your congregation.
  • Our primary technique is in-person focused conversations. (or via zoom)


What do You Get?

  • A detailed written report with reccomendations.
  • Scoring in over 12 Areas and their sub categories with comments.
Schedule a Free 30- Minute Consultation

What is the Potential ROI on Your Investment?

What are the Benefits?

  • A Healthier Congregation.
  • Empowerment to Florish. Healthy Churches are more likely to flourish.
  • Maximize your impact in the community.
  • More fun and transformational moments as a faith community.
  • Greater clarity to determine “right fit”.
  • Attract talented pastors.

Helping Congregations to Flourish!

Make the investment today.
schedule a free 30 Minute Consultation