Is This YOU?


Wondering what is next?     

Longing to invest in things that matter?


If you want to know what your life and ministry will look like a year from now if you don't make a decision to do something different,

You don't have to guess.

You already know.

It will be basically what life looks like for you today.

Create Momentum!

Join the Pastors Generating Momentum Coaching Cohort
Sign Up Now

During this 4 month coaching program you will learn how to:

  • Ask different questions
  • Utilize "listening prayer" for discernment
  • Explore new possibilities
  • Experiment boldly
  • Create a step-by-step path
  • Live "on mission" and invite people into your life
  • Measure your impact and pivot
  • Bridge the sacred/secular divide, so that wht happens in our faith communities has profound connection with people's daily lives.
  • Reflect on how you "show up" in the world.

This program is for you if you are:

  • A Passionate Leader
  • Sensing that you could do something more
  • Ready to experiment
  • Wanting to be challenged
  • Desiring a vision to breathe life into
  • Ready to walk at the fringe of fear and adventure
  • Open to seeing your situation through new lenses and filters
  • Yearning for personal and organizational transformation
  • Ready to invest.
Sign Up Now

This Program is NOT for you if:

  • You are comfortable with the status quo

  • You would rather "see what happens" than chase your big dreams

Applications are NOW OPEN for the next Cohort.

Space is Limited
Yes I am interested!


Join Pastor Deb Prieto, ICF Certified Coach and Organization Development Consultant for a 4 month soul and mind shift experience.

Every Live Group Session Includes:

  • Powerful personal prayer and care from the community
  • Module’s topic and interactive lecture
  • Spot-coaching and Q&A
  • Small-group activities to practice new skills and translate concepts into action
  • Celebrating "wins" and milestones
  • Assignments and accountability for every session—work independently and with your peers.

One on One Coaching with Deb

This is YOUR space to focus on your key issues or challenges specific to your situation. 

Your five coaching sessions will follow each of the program modules and will be set up on an individual basis.  




This program includes:

  • Eleven hours of group sessions,
  • Five hours of one-on-one coaching sessions with Deb,
  • Recommended reading lists. 



Yes, I am interested

How are Pastors Funding Coaching?

Your engagement in this process is an investment upfront. 

  • Often, pastors or key influencers find one, two or three benefactors within the church to financially invest.
  • Others use their continuing education fund or invest in it themselves or a combination of some of the above. 
  • Others consider it so valuable, they pay for it themselves.

The investment is really quite little compared to the potential transformational results or serious consequences. 


What will happen if you don’t engage in this cohort?

What could happen if you do?