Culture is the Key...

To Creating Clarity and Momentum!
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Making A Cultural Pivot...
What Most Consultants Miss...


Don't let your internal culture eat YOUR strategy for breakfast!

Many attempts at change fail in part because “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

When we make chages "on the top of the iceberg," in terms of programs, worship, strategies, etc. those changes or experiments can:

  • fail,
  • struggle, or
  • "snap back"

because we did not pay attention to the values and beliefs "beneath the iceberg." Those values and beliefs "below the iceberg" create the organization's culture. Your culture determines norms for, "How we do things around here."

We help organizations become aware of and transition their internal culture, the values and beliefs below the water line that inform, “how we do things around here,” to ensure transformational success.

We help you make a CULTURAL PIVOT before leading change so that your, "culture does not eat YOUR strategy for breakfast!"

Systemic Issues

Most Consultants Miss this too...

The greatest challenge that sits at the core of much of the church’s stagnation, inefectiveness and conflict, is that our churches tend to function as boundary-less systems with little to no accountability resulting in power struggles and chaos.

Ultimately people get hurt.

All because we don’t tend to the systemic challenges beneath the surface. 

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Don't Let An Unhealthy Culture Eat YOUR Strategies For Breakfast!

Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation

The Culture Pivot

Help Your People Take Ownership of Transforming THEIR Culture with the 6-Step Process:
All members/participants take culture assessment tool and/or consultant does interviews with sampling of the congregation.
Culture Focus Groups Begin
Assess the "gap" between current and preferred culture.
Co-Create a Change Plan
for "How we will do things around here." Focus is on behaviors; how we will function differently!
Design Accountability
that rewards and re-directs.
Monthly Focus Group Meetings
for accountability and overcoming obstacles and roadblocks.
Preferred Culture Realized
The organization is poised to accelerate!

Every Church Can Become A Powerful Movement Transforming Lives!

Don't Let Culture Eat Your Strategies For Breakfast. Make Your Culture Pivot.
Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation